Thursday 21 July 2011

Hail to halal, vegan cosmetics!

     More power to Miranda Bond’s beautifully-moisturised elbow.  She’s the dynamo behind Inika, the glam Aussie eco-brand which started with mineral make-up (made of Australia, not just in Australia, they like to boast) – and is now a full range of colour cosmetics.
     Inika’s big Down Under.  It’s well-loved here, too.  But interestingly, where this collection’s really going down a tropical storm is the Middle East, because the whole lot's certified 100% halal by the Australian Federation of Islamic Council.  (Since every veil-wearing woman we’ve ever known has turned out to be impeccably made-up, under their burkha, so this is a very big market indeed.)
     What’s more, the whole Inika range is also certified cruelty-free and certified vegan, by the UK Vegan Society.  Bunny-lovers, dairy-avoiders - and any beauty-hound, actually - should check out the range, including this fab Bronzing Essentials Kit (complete with stripy summer tote), which you can find here.
     It’s free from everything, basically.  Except glamour.