Wednesday 15 June 2011

Want to know the way ahead...?

Chaos.  Turmoil.  Change.  In general, we're none of us great at dealing with that stuff.  So we've always found it rather reassuring to listen to our astrologer friend (and generally-very- wise-person) Shelley von Strunckel talk about the times we live in - and the opportunities that are opening up.
    As Shelley says, 'Exciting as living in a new era - the Aquarian age - with its accompanying possibilities might be, there are challenges and confusion to deal with.'
     You can say that again...
     So on 29th June at Kensington Great Hall, London, Shelley will - as she puts it - 'Step off the page and speak directly to you, helping you to change the way you think about yourself, your life and what these unsettled times are bringing.  You'll leave with more solid information, feeling inspired, empowered and enthusiastic about the future and your role in it.'
     Tickets are £22.50 each but for Beauty Bible readers there's a special deal:  £35 for two tickets, if you enter the code TWA241;  just click here for the special ticketing page.

The Way Ahead Tour:
For Shelley's blog, visit, or click here
And remember, Shelley also writes 'Health Stars' for, if you click here