Tuesday 3 May 2011

It's National Lavender Week...

... so we thought we'd share this beautiful image of a lavender sunset.  Somewhere over Provence, probably.  But it got us thinking:  what our our favourite beauty products, created around the amazingly rebalancing, skin-calming ingredient being celebrated this week...?
     The list is below (with links to find them).  But we'd love you to tell us - via Twitter or Facebook - what are your favourite lavender 'finds'...?

Holistic Silk Lavender Eye Mask (at www.victoriahealth.com)
Weleda Lavender Relaxing Bath Milk (at www.lovelula.com)
Jurlique Lavender-Lavendin Hydrating Essence (at www.jurlique.co.uk)
Yardley English Lavender Cologne Stick (at www.yardleylondon.com)
Neal's Yard Remedies French Lavender Soap (at www.nealsyardremedies.com)