Might just be the perfect moment to experience the new Urban Retreat at Home's menu of beauty services, actually. Yes, brought to you by the same folk who have that swanky spot on the Fifth Floor of Harrods, in Knightsbridge. And with Urban Retreat's reputation for excellence, you can be confident of A-list treatment.
Ferried via a sleek Urban Retreat-mobile, expert therapists will pitch up at your door and perform pampering miracles - facials, body treatments, waxing, hand and feet treats, self-tanning. Hen parties catered to...? Absolutely.
Prices aren't over the top: £55 an hour outside London (though not all regions are covered, yet), £70 within the M25 and £95 within Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea and the City. (Blame the parking.)
And the bonus, always, with treatments at home: you can roll right off the massage table and into bed.
Where, at this rate, we may stay till February.
Urban Retreat at Home - book on 0844-793 8344