Thursday 21 April 2011

Such a Good (Friday) wheeze!

What are you doing tomorrow (Good Friday)?  Because for one day only, you can take any current skincare product - full or empty - to an Origins counter, and trade it for a complimentary special edition Checks and Balances™ Frothy Face Wash, or A Perfect World Antioxidant Cleanser with White Tea, each worth £16.  
     Yup.  Any old face product that you've squeezed the last drop out of, or fallen out of love with.  No catches.
     What's more, for every Plantscription™ sold until 30th April - that's their new age-defying serum - Origins will plant a tree on each customer's behalf, through Global ReLeaf.
    That's makes it not just Good Friday.  That's a G-R-E-A-T Friday.  
    Oh, and a Happy Easter from us.  We're off to nibble eggs, weed the beds and put our feet up, for the holiday weekend...