Tuesday 12 April 2011

The buzz around Covent Garden...

... isn't just down to the new Apple Store.  It's from the bees newly installed on top of the Melvita Covent Garden Store.  This all-natural brand - France's biggest organic name (with several award-winning products in our new book) - will even be making honey on top of their flagship shop on St. Martin's Courtyard, doing their bit to help London's bee population to regenerate and thrive.
      There are many worthwhile bee campaigns to highlight the plight of the bumble bee right now (and even Boris is backing London beekeepers, with his Capital Bee scheme). But nice to see a beauty brand rolling up its sleeves - or rather, donning a full-length beekeeper's suit - and busying themselves this way.
      And there's a humming album of photos about the beehive installation on their Facebook page, if you click here.

Melvita, 19 Slingsby Place, St. Martin's Courtyard, London WC2E 9AB