Thursday 24 February 2011

Down (fragrant) memory lane...

As we all know, the fastest way to be Tardis-ed into the past is via fragrance.  A mere unstoppering of a favourite scent and whooooosh!  The decades peel away.  So we want to let you in on the secret of Scratch+Sniff's events, which are the scent equivalent of wine tasting.  (As they put it, 'without the spitoons...')
     Held in Central London (at The Book Club), these regular events are a must for scentophiles - and their next event is on Tuesday 22nd March 2011, from 7.30 - 10 p.m.  Smells Like Teen Spirit 'promises to be a rollercoaster of nostalgia, cringeworthiness and delight, as we revisit the phenomenon of teendom through the perfumes we wore then.'  (With a little help from sociologist Sarah Sternberg, as well as Scratch+Sniff's founder Lizzie Ostrom.)
     Fragrances to be explored include Charlie (a real ground-breaker), and Dewberry (remember that Body Shop blockbuster?), among many others.  'Come with brave nostrils,' observes, Lizzie (who also masquerades as @odettetoilette on Twitter).  'After all, these fragrances weren't exactly designed to be subtle.'  (Is it too much to ask they could get their hands on a bottle of Aqua Manda...?)
    Love 'em or hate 'em, you'll be in for an fascinating evening.  And if you really, really hope you never have to get within 20 paces of Dewberry again in your life...?  There are upcoming events on Scent in the 1940s, Art and Olfaction, and a Moroccan special, and Scratch+Sniff tickets are £12.
     All you need to do is follow your nose.