Friday 12 February 2010

Aveda get us thinking

These days there are plenty of companies shouting about their green credentials. And at Beauty Bible we applaud even the babiest steps down the eco-path. But a quick catch-up with Aveda reminded us that they've been walking their talk since Horst Rechelbacher founded the company, in 1978. We've since spent a bedtime hour or so leafing through the (recycled) THINK report, detailing all Aveda's green steps: wind-powered factories, packaging that's 80% PCR (Post Consumer Recycled - and recyclable, if you take it back to the counter), making them the only company to achieve a Cradle to Cradle sustainability endorsement. And then there's Earth Month: this year, the chosen charity is WaterAid, which provides clean water to some of the world's poorest communities. (Watch this space for news of a sponsored walk for WaterAid. We'll probably be lacing up our trainers to do it ourselves.) The THINK report's info is mostly available on the UK Aveda website under 'About Aveda', and you can click below to read it. So: three green cheers to them. And a PS We're enjoying the new Damage Remedy leave-in conditioner, too, which can also be smoothed through dry hair almost as a 'moisturiser'. Very welcome in these centrally-heated times. (Though like good green girls, we do pile on the woollies and keep the thermostat as low as poss!)