Monday 29 November 2010

Sniff out this new fragrance boutique

Ormonde Jayne is the nom de parfum of Linda Pilkington.  Who's she...?  Well, you need to know that Linda is a mega-talented British 'nose' whose scents are favourites of the serious fragranceophiles who make pilgrimages to her Bond Street boutique-ette (hidden away in The Royal Arcade, a violet cream's throw away from Charbonnel & Walker), and the spiffy counter in the Black Hall at Harrods.  (Where - no surprises here! - her 24-carat-gold-infused blingtastic body cream is a bestseller.)  But we just visited Linda's new mirror-and-black-glass jewel of a boutique - off Sloane Square.  (Turn right into the pedestrian zone, just before The White Company - relevant info because it's seriously fiendish to find).  And we think there couldn't be a lovelier place to sniff and spray your way through the Ormonde Jayne collection, to discover your favourite.  In fact, we suggest you sign up for a 'fragrance consultation', to help you take a short-cut to the one you love the most - from deliciously, resinous Tolu to dark, spicy Orris Noir, via divinely rosy Ta'if.  There are men's scents, bath oils and some seriously luxurious candles, too, which should put a few more ticks against that scary Christmas list.  (Er, if you can bear to give them away, that is...)

Ormonde Jayne, 192 Pavilion Road, Sloane Square, London SW3 2BF/020-7730 1381