Monday 20 September 2010

Now we have office envy!

At Beauty Bible we've always believed that your office surroundings are important.  (After all, most of us spend more waking hours there than at home.)  A bunch of flowers, a nice Aromatherapy Associates oil or a Neom candle burning in the background, a few great pictures or a 'mood-board' of lovely images on the wall are all de-stressing and life-enhancing, at once.  But having recently nipped in to visit the PR for too-cool-for-school beauty brand Benefit, we have to concede:  in-house PR Jazzy Kaur has elevated office chic to a whole new level.  Pink toaster, pink Roberts radio - even a pink Smeg dishwasher.  (And this is her 'desk'!)  We were the only green (with envy!) thing in the office.