Well, you never know! And oh, it's so worth a visit. If you're wondering why blog postings have been thin on the ground lately, Chief Blogger Jo actually took a holiday to this magical city, soaking up the sun, superb food - and the souk, which is one of the Great Shopping Wonders of the World. Case in point: this extraordinary soap store on the Street called Straight (so old, it's in the Bible! - the street not this particular shop...) Piled high with beautifully arrayed bars of skin-friendly olive-oil-based Aleppo soap, it's wonderfully aromatic - a feast for the senses. And if you've ever thought, 'I can't get my hands round a big square bar of soap like that' (as we have), then the secret is to use a strong knife and cut each bar in half. We are sorted, for soap. (For quite a long time.)