To Bristol (the Soil Association’s offices) - the third time we’ve been asked to judge the annual Soil Association Organic Beauty Awards. Pictured here: Sarah, with SA’s Feona Horrex, after a slather-a-thon during which we both tried literally dozens of contenders (including - wait for it - an intimate lubricant! Which actually made it to the shortlist because it’s so innovative, and such a change from the highly chemical options out there.) Once we’d whittled down the contenders to 14 - including Jigsaw’s delectable Hand Lotion, Essential Care’s soon-to-be-launched coconut body scrub (like a Bounty bar in a tub) and facialist Lucy Russell’s sublime rosewater spray - the products are to be put through their paces, Beauty Bible-style, on three teams of 10 panellists recruited via the Soil Association offices. (Including one team of mums - and babes - to judge the baby category). We’re as anxious to hear the results as any organic beauty-hound out there - and will e-mail you all with news of the winners on Monday 6th April, after the awards are given out at the Natural Products Show gala dinner. Watch this (organic) space.